Sunday, December 24, 2006

Valley Life

Valley life was pretty entertaining, kind of like the Real World Crunchy.

The Waterhole

Lest you get the wrong impression, this was actually the only day we went swimming in the waterhole. As earlier observed, Kiwis call it "summer" but it's not very "warm".

"Awww, isn't he so cuuute. Look at him, he has hair!"

We've got leeeeegs, and we know how to use them.

The Deck

The Germans introduce circus to the valley.

Can you spot the PWG (pasty white guy)? AKA the ENGLISHMAN. Man that is bright.

Birthdays at the Valley

Laura turns 27 and celebrates with pizza!

Steve turns 48 and has a wild dance party with 2 hot young (drunk) babes.

Shawn turns 24 and all he gets is a t-shirt. A free car to anyone who emails with what movie the saying on this special custom made shirt is from.

The boyeezz.

Halloween at the valley

Unfortunately for Colin, Mollie missed out on Smokey the Bear as a child.

Blume was one of those guys that knows how to do everything that's useful. Here he shows how one German dinosaur can make the world a better place.

Rec trips and days off

The RAINforest. We explore the 300 acre sanctuary.

Read all three signs.

The gang.

Christian demonstrates he is actually part squirrel.

Stacey and Kat get dangerous.

Colin in his element.

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