Sunday, August 13, 2006

South Molle Island

After our tour of the Northern Territory ended, Laura and I spent a day in Darwin and then took an overnight flight to Brisbane. This was directly followed by a 15 hour drive up to the Whitsunday Islands, which is just outside the Great Barrier Reef. We spent three days and three nights camping on South Molle Island. We had hoped for a “secluded island” feel, but instead happened to choose an island with a resort, a golf course, and a few other campers. After a brief moment of disappointment we decided to make the most of it and ended up having a really great time. Activities included, hiking, swimming, snorkeling, and good old relaxing in the sun.

Snorkeling was the highlight of our time there. Laura and I have limited snorkeling experience, so we were both a little apprehensive. Once we got in the water Laura quickly grabbed my hand and never let go. Any time she saw an interesting fish she squeezed my hand and vice versa. It was both comforting and romantic to hold her hand as we swam. The amount of vibrant marine life we saw was ridiculous. The fish seemed like they were glowing and we are pretty sure that we found Nemo.

Airlie Beach.

Day Moon.

We shared our camp with a couple of german guys, a perpetually topless russian woman, and these guys, Aussie teenagers James and Jake. They were very excited that we brought a guitar and played and sang any songs they could think of.

Low Tide.

Menorah Tree (according to Laura).

Sunset from Spion Kopp.

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