Sunday, December 24, 2006

Mt Taranaki / Egmont

Our longest multi-day recreation trip was to to Mount Taranaki... Thirteen people... Not alot of money... Broken Speedometer... No dashboard lights... One tire on the verge of exploding... Lots of gear... Six hour ride there... Lots of RAIN... One volcano... Lots of RAIN... Three days of hiking... Lots of RAIN... Pizza from Hell... And some seriously Good times... did I mention the RAIN?

The gears packed... where the people gonna go?

Anyone wanna hike around a volcano for the next three days in the pouring rain?

Waterfalls are supposed to FALL!

Wet shoes.

Colin counts the amount of gum stuck to the bottom of the table.

Sun... Views of the volcano... chicks... Sweet.

We hike around THAT... did anyone see Tom Cruise?
(this was the stand in for Mt. Fuji in the Last Samurai)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am troy pointer freelance meadia photographer from england
i have to tell you i have only ever seen 1 other beautiful peak like this and it is in the philippines called MAYON VOLCANOE
which is still active now