Back on the mainland we visited the Vic Hislop Shark Expo in Airlie Beach. The shark pictured below is a white pointer shark, otherwise known as the great white shark. It was captured and frozen to be displayed.
Supposedly, the great white cannot be held in captivity, as they go crazy and end up bashing their heads against the tank until they die. They also have a very small brain and lack a central nervous system, meaning they feel no pain. All they are programed to do is hunt, attack, eat, purge, and then hunt again.
We watched videos of Vic Hislop catching both great whites and tiger sharks. It's is as crazy as it sounds! He then explored their stomachs and found remains of various life, like turtle shells, seagulls, and even human bones!!!
There was a few rooms where the walls were covered with hundreds newspaper clippings about shark attacks in Australia. Laura and I were happy we visited the expo after we completed our snorkeling!

I won't be mean, as I assume you don't know any better, but Vic Hislop is an absolutte, shark killing wanka. Did you not understand the message he was trying to pass onto you? He is encouraging the murderous killing of innocent animals. I think you should have a little think about what tourist activities you support around the world, because I am sure you would not go to a paedophilia expo, or panda massacre expo, so why on earth would you support such an evil cause? I strongly reccommend that you go and see Rob Stewart's movie; Sharkwater. It will no doubt have an impact on you.
The only wanker is Anonymous, I like many other people feel that Paedophiles should be hunted down like any other predator that preys on human life.
There is a stark difference between pedophiles and sharks. As humans, we have a self awareness and an ability to analyse our own actions and it's impact and moral standpoint. The shark is an animal molded by millions of years of instinct. Shark do not prfer human flesh, nor to they specifically seek us out. Cars kill thousands a year, yet we do not purge them from the street. Any person who actively seeks to slaughter sharks in an ill informed moron who does not deserve to even be in their habitat.
I totally agree with Dylan. Being an active scuba diver I've dived with sharks on numerous occasions and they're more afraid of us invading THEIR territory. They are incredibly beautiful and impressive creatures and have been on this planet longer than any human being. If someone's attacked by a lion should all lions be culled from the african savannah? Vic Hislop is a deranged redneck. It wasn't long ago when people thought that whales were man-eating monsters and now everone is like "save the whales"
Shark killing is down to sheer lack of education and/or greed as they are imperative to the health of our oceans and eco systems and ultimately OUR survival. I don't agree with anonymous' (number 1) use of paedophilia as a comparison but I do think that Sharkwater is a documentary that will open people's eyes to how important sharks are on our planet.
Hislop is a man totally devoid of intelligence and talent who chooses to make his living raping the planet. His barbaric actions benefit one person, himself.
Hislop is a man totally devoid of intelligence and talent who chooses to make his living raping the planet. Just another greedy jackass looking out for himself.
geezs! some people with thier animal rights speech. they try to compare pandas with sharks! lol & with cars too! lmao
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